Since the beginning SecurManage™ has always been focused on safety in the center and in the community. We track where your residents are, where they're going, how they're getting there, when they call, and so much more. Medications and incident reports? We've got that too!
Whether it's case management or clinical/therapeutic services, SecurManage™ can assist in tracking your case notes, IPPs, treatment plans, or any other case-related documentation and make sure you stay on top of your meetings and caseload. We can even manage your calendar of meeting and events!
Need to track how much money your residents are making and how much they're paying for subsistence? How about child support, court costs, restitution, fines and fees, or even their mandated savings accounts? Centralized or center-by-center - we monitor and report for it all!
Choose from a management or director level which staff have access to which pages and executables in the software. SecurManage™ allows you to restrict access completely or grant read-write or read only permissions on a per-user basis.
A database is only as good as its ability to extract what you put in, and our database comes pre-stocked with dozens of reports. Need a complex report for your DOC oversight team or C-suite executives? No problem! We can customize anything you throw at us!
Why sit behind your desk and take a case meeting when it's 70 degrees and breezy outside? SecurManage™ can adapt to a wide variety of mobile devices including phones, tablets, or touch-screen kiosks. As long as you've got wireless, secure internet, you've got SecurManage™.
A huge time and money-drain on almost any facility is standards and compliance tracking. Not only is it heavy with paper and storage costs, but it's also a labor and staff intense endeavor. SecurManage™ can streamline and simplify this process for you to manage these standards on-site or even remotely from corporate!
Wouldn't it be nice if a client could request a meeting or weekend pass without the paper? How about if they could check their medication counts or sign their incident reports? With SecurManage™ they can! You can choose to grant secure, limited access to residents to do things like check their medications, request schedule changes, ask for a Case Manager meeting, and more!
The cost of housing servers and hiring staff to manage them is astronomical. Let us do all of that for you! As a web-based software application SecurManage™ requires no servers on-site and our staff handle all the support. Can't get enough of work in the office? A few simple steps and SecurManage™ can allow you secure access to your database from home or on the road.
Why waste money on paper and ink when those funds could go toward more staff, in-house resident resources, equipment upgrades, grant-writing and new-contract efforts, etc? The list goes on and on...
Clients all across the country are eliminating paper, ink, and storage costs and moving to a completely paperless environment with SecurManage™. Follow the link at the bottom of the page to schedule a demo today, and see how we can clear out the filing room!
Represented in over 35 states, Canada, and Puerto Rico, SecurManage™ is utilized in facilities of all sizes and throughout all jurisdictions. We work with state Departments of Corrections, Federal RRCs, juvenile facilities, in-patient drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers, and more. Our clients range from census counts of 15 to 1500 beds and the list keeps growing. Contact us today and we're sure to be able to find someone in your area who can speak to their satisfaction and success with SecurManage™!